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Faith Leaders: When We Blame Lust, We Intensify Sexual Sin
To be sure, lust is one of the most important contributing factors to sexual brokenness. But in our excessive focus on lust, we have lost sight of...
Who Watches Porn? 3 Key Predictors of Porn Use
What if I told you that your use of pornography could reveal your way to healing? As a licensed mental health counselor and ordained minister, I’ve...
What Your Sexual Fantasies (Might) Say About You | Part 2
The evangelical community’s preoccupation with combatting lust has over-simplified and trivialized a far more complex issue within human sexuality....
Silence: The Sound of Female Sexual Shame
Women now make up 30% of all pornography users. For too long, society has presumed pornography to be an exclusively “man’s issue.”[i] The continued...
What Your Sexual Fantasies (Might) Say About You | Part 1
For too long, the evangelical community has treated sexual fantasies and sexual struggles as something to condemn. Addressing sexual fantasies...
What A Prostitution Survivor Taught Me About Joy
I worked for a community mental health clinic in downtown Seattle for the first two years after graduate school. The clients at this location were...