Adult Sex Education Resources

Adult Sex Education Resources

After my podcast with Jen Hatmaker last week,  I received a message from an Instagram follower inquiring about adult sex education. Although it’s maddening that most of us didn’t receive the sex education we needed, I was taken aback by this group of 30...

Low Desire Resources

Learn to be curious about your low desire. Establishing early, consistent, and curiosity-filled conversations with your partner is one of the greatest gifts you will ever give one another. It is important to note that not all of the books listed below will be...

What I Learned From Trauma This Year

  On November 1st, I had an electric scooter accident that ended with me fracturing two elbows. That night, my family was on our fleet of scooters to see my newborn nephew who had just been brought home from the hospital. On the way, my scooter hit a major heave...
I Want To Destroy Your Trophies

I Want To Destroy Your Trophies

On my son’s 7th birthday I took him on a trip to mark and celebrate the terrain of his soul: play and exploration. We flew to Orlando, took countless runs down a waterslide called Summit Plummet (120 feet drop at 60mph) and then went to the NASA Kennedy Space...